Saturday, May 29, 2010

World Explorer! Christopher Colombus ain't got nothing on me!

Well, it only took me 7 days and hours of searching WoWwiki to do it, but I finally accomplished my goal of world explorer. It was actually kind of an accident on how it happened. I was flying around in Northrend mining and I got the explorer achievement for that continent and the shiny epic tabard, too. When I looked through the rest of the areas, I realized I had about 75% of the total map already uncovered and that doing the rest wouldn't take that long.

Outlands went down really fast. The epic flying mount helped quite a bit, and it was interesting to look at it from the air. I spent most of my time on the ground as I was a very poor mage and flying was far outside of the realm of possibility for my pocketbook. Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms took a while, but they were finally conquered as well. I really liked being able to go back and look at the places that I leveled at and the landmarks that I remembered having epic battles at. Some of the not so good memories came back, too (looking at you Stranglethorn Vale).

Overall, I'm glad I did it. I got a shiny epic tabard to go on my character and an even shinier title to go along with it. Next up for Boedangles is the Loremaster achievement, I think. Loremaster would be a pretty cool title to have and you get a lot of gold/rep/achievement points to go with it. I could probably pick up some of the rep achievements along the way as well. Plotting out the future of Boedangles may be in my best interest at this point.


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